We all want to get better at the things that we do, especially when it involves commercial activities. As an individual it is understandable to strive for the best outcome in business or in terms of personal growth, by setting out goals and complementing with discipline to follow through in other to actualize the set goals.
This is one of the reasons why people usually come up with catch-phrases such as “New Year Resolution”, “New Year, New System” or ”New Year, New Goals” and so on which is often heard towards the end of a year, and at the beginning of a new Calendar Year in attempt to gear themselves up towards performing excellently better than the previous years.
Of course the resolutions each individual is making is specific and quite unique, also so are the approaches to execute the plans with their resultant effects translating into what influence real estate market, combining with other contributing factors that drive the market dynamics in the industry; such as economic boom or doom, job loss or opportunity, family evacuation or relocation, owners’ demise, owners’ forfeiture of assets for economic gain or cushion, revocation or acquisition from legal tussle, industrial expansion or contraction, urbanization and infrastructural development and government land allocation packages.
All these factors which are combined and intertwined often give rise to potential opportunity or loss to the owners, meanwhile either the asset values is gained or lost to owners, it only means win-win opportunities for Realtors – since Realtors are usually the first to be contacted to market real estate assets to potential customers. So the market dynamics creates a huge market gap for real estate players, opening different kinds of real estate deals on daily basis with global market heading over $5 Trillion USD by 2030, of which only Realtors that are either privileged or well positioned will be able to take a fair and better share of these deals year on year.
So in case you are a Realtor and you have not been finding or cutting better deals in the industry over a long period of time, I guess it is time you turned a new leaf; and perhaps you have been doing comfortably well for over some times, first I would like to congratulate you because it is not so easy, yet more can still be achieved as there should be more space to learn or relearn ways to improve in the new year, especially if you have slid into complacency and have begun to forget what lead to your previous winning streak.
So the following points below are the 3 ways any Realtors should follow to have better deals this year.
1. Personal Branding
The best means of identification is when there is a unique mark, one that can quickly differentiate one from other related ones. The same concept of uniqueness holds true for personal branding. Personal branding is a way one try to stand out from other equals, hence allowing one to attract and associate with people who appreciate your peculiar styles. This is more important for a realtor because customers want peace of mind which is the main crux of Real Estate buyers and customers will most likely consider a Realtor they feel blend well to their expectations. Buyers of real estate products are not just buying real estate products, but they are buying peace of mind and trust. What this imply is that Realtors who have good reputation will most likely take more clients with premium values than those without unique selling proposition. As a realtor, you can only be perceived to be able to provide what consumers want if your personality reflect so. This means you have to continue to work on yourself in the following areas:
- Your trustworthiness (Your promises must be bounding and recommendable)
- Knowledge of the type of industry you operate in
- Your Network (People you associate with)
- You have to stop procrastinating (Procrastination is dangerous)
- Strive to seek peaceful resolutions in term of disagreements.
2. Digital Marketing
Enough cannot be said about the importance of marketing. Either marketing yourself as a brand, or your products and services. Because continued marketing efforts is directly proportional to the outcome of any business realities. It is said that any business that fails to engage in market will soon fade off, and this is always true no matter the nature of business. Although sometimes it could be difficult to start with for someone who is not an expert in the marketing field or who has not tried to do so. However, decision to do so whichever way possible would be a decision that any business owner or entrepreneur will benefit from. So it might mean that you have to learn to do marketing or find a competent business you can reach out to help you to your marketing. But for emphasis sake it is paramount importance that you never stop marketing, I mean doing so repeatedly. So here are few marketing tips you can follow:
- You can harness Digital Marketing and best you have a Website to channel all your efforts to your own controlled space
- It is also possible you make use of traditional marketing approach
- Then find Groups to join and post in there (For example: on WhatsApp, or any Property listing platforms)
- Promote your properties on property listing websites
3. Online Visibility
It has become easier to communicate with people around the world since the advent of the Internet, which has turned the world into a global village. The Internet has become a veritable tools apart from communications that we humans now use to socialize, find information and buy and sell even sometimes without having met each other – sometimes possible especially when trust issue has been resolved through evident visibilities that both parties could find about each other in a fraction of seconds thanks to digital footprints such as past posts, comments and other social media activities.
So for a Realtor who have not harness the advantages of the Internet should do so without hesitation as online is an additional channel that inflow of opportunities can be tapped beyond immediate ones localities.
So what do you need to do to be visible online? Here are few points you can follow to make sure you are visible and your stream of customers never cease.
Here are what you can do to be visible online:
- Create a couple of social media accounts (maximum of three so you will be able to monitor their performance)
- Post engaging contents on your social media
- Create your own website (This is very important, don’t rely on social media or Realtor platforms only as they could be leading your customers to your competitors) Blueatoms Media can help you with this
- Write Blogs and post on your website regularly (Blog is very important to website traffic)
- Send Newsletters about your properties and other interesting Real Estate information to your Email list
- Monitor the traffic to your website and follow up on your leads.
While there are other ideas that will assist you this year to a better Realtor, I strongly believe that the three points mentioned above are sufficient to start turn things around in your favour.
You can contact Blueatoms Media for your website design and maintenance, or for your Digital marketing. We would be glad to work with you and turn in the desired results. Please send us the brief information of your need in the Form below.